Advice Hub

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UK VAT Registration

If your client or your business is based outside and sells goods stored in the UK to UK consumers through an on-line marketplace, the business will be required to register for VAT when it commences to trade in the UK (as overseas businesses to not have the benefit of waiting until their sales exceed the VAT registration threshold).

Understanding VAT in Construction Projects

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a crucial aspect of financial planning and management in the UK construction industry. VAT is applied to a wide range of activities, including the supply of building materials and construction services. Understanding how VAT is charged in construction allows for accurate budgeting and financial compliance.

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What Triggers a VAT Inspection?

A VAT inspection consists of HMRC getting in touch with or visiting your company to go through the VAT records. The purpose of this inspection, which consists of a series of compliance tests, is to make sure that the company is accounting for VAT correctly.

What are the advantages of being VAT registered?

Registering for VAT is compulsory if your business exceeds the VAT threshold of £85,000. This means that VAT is not just a concern for larger companies, so it is definitely worth weighing the advantages and disadvantages of VAT registration. Here, the experts at The VAT People outline the main advantages of being registered.

What is Input VAT (UK)?

You must register for VAT if your business has a taxable income exceeding £85,000 in a rolling 12-month period. Read more to learn about what qualifies as input VAT.

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax (VAT) in the European Union (EU) is a general, broadly based consumption tax that is assessed on the value added to goods and services. It applies to all goods and services that are bought and sold for consumption in the EU.